1 module clFFT;
3 import derelict.opencl.cl;
5 enum clfftVersionMajor = 2;
6 enum clfftVersionMinor = 1;
7 enum clfftVersionPatch = 0;
9 enum clfftStatus
10 {
58     //-------------------------- Extended status codes for clfft 
59     //----------------------------------------
60     CLFFT_BUGCHECK = 4*1024, /*!< Bugcheck. */
61     CLFFT_NOTIMPLEMENTED, /*!< Functionality is not implemented yet. */
62     CLFFT_TRANSPOSED_NOTIMPLEMENTED, /*!< Transposed functionality is not implemented for this transformation. */
63     CLFFT_FILE_NOT_FOUND, /*!< Tried to open an existing file on the host system, but failed. */
64     CLFFT_FILE_CREATE_FAILURE, /*!< Tried to create a file on the host system, but failed. */
65     CLFFT_VERSION_MISMATCH, /*!< Version conflict between client and library. */
66     CLFFT_INVALID_PLAN, /*!< Requested plan could not be found. */
67     CLFFT_DEVICE_NO_DOUBLE, /*!< Double precision not supported on this device. */
68     CLFFT_DEVICE_MISMATCH, /*!< Attempt to run on a device using a plan baked for a different device. */
69     CLFFT_ENDSTATUS /* This value will always be last, and marks the length of clfftStatus. */
70 }
71 mixin FreeEnumMembers!clfftStatus;
73 mixin template FreeEnumMembers(T)
74     if(is(T == enum))
75 {
76     mixin({
77             string s;
78             foreach(member; __traits(allMembers, T))
79             {
80                 s ~= "enum T " ~ member ~ " = T." ~ member ~ ",\n";
81             }
82             return s;
83             }());
84 }
86 /*! @brief The dimension of the input and output buffers that will be fed into all FFT 
87 transforms */
88 enum clfftDim
89 {
90     CLFFT_1D = 1,	/*!< 1 Dimensional FFT transform (default). */
91     CLFFT_2D, /*!< 2 Dimensional FFT transform. */
92     CLFFT_3D, /*!< 3 Dimensional FFT transform. */
93     ENDDIMENSION /*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clfftDim. */
94 }
95 mixin FreeEnumMembers!clfftDim;
97 /*! @brief These are the expected layouts of the buffers */
98 enum clfftLayout
99 {
100     CLFFT_COMPLEX_INTERLEAVED = 1,	/*!< An array of complex numbers, with real and 
101                                           imaginary components together (default). */
102     CLFFT_COMPLEX_PLANAR, /*!< Arrays of real componets and arrays of imaginary components that 
103                                   have been seperated out. */
104     CLFFT_HERMITIAN_INTERLEAVED, /*!< Compressed form of complex numbers; complex-conjugates not 
105                                           stored, real and imaginary components in same array. */
106     CLFFT_HERMITIAN_PLANAR, /*!< Compressed form of complex numbers; complex-conjugates not stored, 
107                                   real and imaginary components in separate arrays. */
108     CLFFT_REAL, /*!< An array of real numbers, with no corresponding imaginary components. */
109     ENDLAYOUT /*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clfftLayout. */
110 }
111 mixin AnonymousEnum!clfftLayout;
113 /*! @brief This is the expected precision of each FFT.
114  */
115 enum clfftPrecision
116 {
117     CLFFT_SINGLE = 1,	/*!< An array of complex numbers, with real and imaginary components as 
118                                   floats (default). */
119     CLFFT_DOUBLE, /*!< An array of complex numbers, with real and imaginary components as 
120                           doubles. */
121     CLFFT_SINGLE_FAST, /*!< Faster implementation preferred. */
122     CLFFT_DOUBLE_FAST, /*!< Faster implementation preferred. */
123     ENDPRECISION /*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clfftPrecision. */
124 }
125 mixin AnonymousEnum!clfftPrecision;
127 /*! @brief What is the expected direction of each FFT, time or the frequency domains */
128 enum clfftDirection
129 {
130     CLFFT_FORWARD = -1,	/*!< FFT transform from the time to the frequency domain. */
131     CLFFT_BACKWARD = 1,	/*!< FFT transform from the frequency to the time domain. */
132     CLFFT_MINUS = -1,	/*!< Alias for the forward transform. */
133     CLFFT_PLUS = 1,	/*!< Alias for the backward transform. */
134     ENDDIRECTION /*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clfftDirection. */
135 }
136 mixin AnonymousEnum!clfftDirection;
138 /*! @brief Are the input buffers overwritten with the results */
139 enum clfftResultLocation
140 {
141     CLFFT_INPLACE = 1,	/*!< The input and output buffers are the same (default). */
142     CLFFT_OUTOFPLACE, /*!< Seperate input and output buffers. */
143     ENDPLACE /*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of clfftPlaceness. */
144 }
145 mixin AnonymousEnum!clfftResultLocation;
147 /*! @brief This determines whether the result is returned in original order. It is valid only 
148   for
149   dimensions greater than 1. */
150 enum clfftResultTransposed {
151     CLFFT_NOTRANSPOSE = 1, /*!< The results are returned in the original preserved order (default) 
152                                  */
153     CLFFT_TRANSPOSED, /*!< The result is transposed where transpose kernel is supported 
154                           (possibly faster) */
155     ENDTRANSPOSED /*!< This value will always be last, and marks the length of 
156                           clfftResultTransposed */
157 }
158 mixin AnonymousEnum!clfftResultTransposed;
160 /*! BitMasks to be used with clfftSetupData.debugFlags */
161 enum CLFFT_DUMP_PROGRAMS = 0x1;
163 /*! @brief Data structure that can be passed to clfftSetup() to control the behavior of the FFT 
164 runtime
165 * @details This structure contains values that can be initialized before instantiation of the 
166 FFT runtime
167 * with ::clfftSetup(). To initialize this structure, pass a pointer to a user struct to 
168 ::clfftInitSetupData(),
169 * which will clear the structure and set the version member variables to the current values.
170 */
171 struct clfftSetupData
172 {
173     cl_uint major; /*!< Major version number of the project; signifies major API changes. */
174     cl_uint minor; /*!< Minor version number of the project; minor API changes that could break 
175                           backwards compatibility. */
176     cl_uint patch; /*!< Patch version number of the project; Always incrementing number, signifies 
177                           change over time. */
179     /*! Bitwise flags that control the behavior of library debug logic. */
180     cl_ulong debugFlags; /*! This should be set to zero, except when debugging the clfft library.
181                           * <p> debugFlags can be set to CLFFT_DUMP_PROGRAMS, in which case the dynamically generated 
182                           OpenCL kernels will
183                           * be written to text files in the current working directory. These files will have a *.cl 
184                           suffix.
185                           */
186 }
188 /*! @brief An abstract handle to the object that represents the state of the FFT(s) */
189 alias clfftPlanHandle = size_t;
191 extern(C):
193 /*! @brief Initialize an clfftSetupData struct for the client
194  * @details clfftSetupData is passed to clfftSetup to control behavior of the FFT runtime
195  * @param[out] setupData Data structure is cleared, initialized with version information and 
196  default values
197  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
198  */
199 clfftStatus clfftInitSetupData(clfftSetupData* setupData)
200 {
201     setupData.major = clfftVersionMajor;
202     setupData.minor = clfftVersionMinor;
203     setupData.patch = clfftVersionPatch;
204     setupData.debugFlags = 0;
206     return CLFFT_SUCCESS;
207 }
209 /*! @brief Initialize internal FFT resources.
210  * @details AMD's FFT implementation caches kernels, programs and buffers for its internal use.
211  * @param[in] setupData Data structure that can be passed into the setup routine to control FFT 
212  generation behavior
213  * and debug functionality
214  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
215  */
216 clfftStatus clfftSetup(const clfftSetupData* setupData);
218 /*! @brief Release all internal resources.
219  * @details Call when client is done with this FFT library, allowing the library to destroy all 
220  resources it has cached
221  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
222  */
223 clfftStatus clfftTeardown();
225 /*! @brief Query the FFT library for version information
226  * @details Return the major, minor and patch version numbers associated with this FFT library
227  * @param[out] major Major functionality change
228  * @param[out] minor Minor functionality change
229  * @param[out] patch Bug fixes, documentation changes, no new features introduced
230  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
231  */
232 clfftStatus clfftGetVersion(cl_uint* major, cl_uint* minor, cl_uint* patch);
234 /*! @brief Create a plan object initialized entirely with default values.
235  * @details A plan is a repository of state for calculating FFT's. Allows the runtime to 
236  pre-calculate kernels, programs
237  * and buffers and associate them with buffers of specified dimensions.
238  * @param[out] plHandle Handle to the newly created plan
239  * @param[in] context Client is responsible for providing an OpenCL context for the plan
240  * @param[in] dim The dimensionality of the FFT transform; describes how many elements are in 
241  the array
242  * @param[in] clLengths An array of lengths, of size 'dim'. Each value describes the length of 
243  additional dimensions
244  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
245  */
246 clfftStatus clfftCreateDefaultPlan(clfftPlanHandle* plHandle, cl_context context, 
247         const clfftDim dim,
248         const size_t* clLengths);
250 /*! @brief Create a copy of an existing plan.
251  * @details This API allows a client to create a new plan based upon an existing plan. This is a 
252  convenience function
253  * provided for quickly creating plans that are similar, but may differ slightly.
254  * @param[out] out_plHandle Handle to the newly created plan that is based on in_plHandle
255  * @param[in] new_context Client is responsible for providing a new context for the new plan
256  * @param[in] in_plHandle Handle to a plan to be copied, previously created
257  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
258  */
259 clfftStatus clfftCopyPlan(clfftPlanHandle* out_plHandle, cl_context new_context, 
260         clfftPlanHandle in_plHandle);
262 /*! @brief Prepare the plan for execution.
263  * @details After all plan parameters are set, the client has the option of 'baking' the plan, 
264  which tells the runtime that
265  * no more changes to the plan's parameters are expected, and the OpenCL kernels should be 
266  compiled. This optional function
267  * allows the client application to perform this function when the application is being 
268  initialized instead of on the first
269  * execution.
270  * At this point, the clfft runtime will apply all implimented optimizations, possibly including
271  * running kernel experiments on the devices in the plan context.
272  * <p> Users should assume that this function will take a long time to execute. If a plan is not 
273  baked before being executed,
274  * users should assume that the first call to clfftEnqueueTransform will take a long time to 
275  execute.
276  * <p> If any significant parameter of a plan is changed after the plan is baked (by a 
277  subsequent call to one of
278  * the clfftSetPlan____ functions), that will not be considered an error. Instead, the plan will 
279  revert back to
280  * the unbaked state, discarding the benefits of the baking operation.
281  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
282  * @param[in] numQueues Number of command queues in commQueueFFT; 0 is a valid value, in which 
283  case client does not want
284  * the runtime to run load experiments and only pre-calculate state information
285  * @param[in] commQueueFFT An array of cl_command_queues created by the client; the command 
286  queues must be a proper subset of
287  * the devices included in the plan context
288  * @param[in] pfn_notify A function pointer to a notification routine. The notification routine 
289  is a callback function that
290  * an application can register and which will be called when the program executable has been 
291  built (successfully or unsuccessfully).
292  * Currently, this parameter MUST be NULL or nullptr.
293  * @param[in] user_data Passed as an argument when pfn_notify is called.
294  * Currently, this parameter MUST be NULL or nullptr.
295  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
296  */
297 clfftStatus clfftBakePlan(clfftPlanHandle plHandle, cl_uint numQueues, 
298         cl_command_queue* commQueueFFT,
299         void function(clfftPlanHandle plHandle, void* user_data) pfn_notify, void* user_data);
301 /*! @brief Release the resources of a plan.
302  * @details A plan may include kernels, programs and buffers associated with it that consume 
303  memory. When a plan
304  * is not needed anymore, the client should release the plan.
305  * @param[in,out] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
306  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
307  */
308 clfftStatus clfftDestroyPlan(clfftPlanHandle* plHandle);
310 /*! @brief Retrieve the OpenCL context of a previously created plan.
311  * @details User should pass a reference to an cl_context variable, which will be changed to 
312  point to a
313  * context set in the specified plan.
314  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
315  * @param[out] context Reference to user allocated cl_context, which will point to context set 
316  in plan
317  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
318  */
319 clfftStatus clfftGetPlanContext(const clfftPlanHandle plHandle, cl_context* 
320         context);
322 /*! @brief Retrieve the floating point precision of the FFT data
323  * @details User should pass a reference to an clfftPrecision variable, which will be set to the
324  * precision of the FFT complex data in the plan.
325  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
326  * @param[out] precision Reference to user clfftPrecision enum
327  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
328  */
329 clfftStatus clfftGetPlanPrecision(const clfftPlanHandle plHandle, clfftPrecision* 
330         precision);
332 /*! @brief Set the floating point precision of the FFT data
333  * @details Set the plan property which will be the precision of the FFT complex data in the 
334  plan.
335  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
336  * @param[in] precision Reference to user clfftPrecision enum
337  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
338  */
339 clfftStatus clfftSetPlanPrecision(clfftPlanHandle plHandle, clfftPrecision 
340         precision);
342 /*! @brief Retrieve the scaling factor that should be applied to the FFT data
343  * @details User should pass a reference to an cl_float variable, which will be set to the
344  * floating point scaling factor that will be multiplied across the FFT data.
345  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
346  * @param[in] dir Which direction does the scaling factor apply to
347  * @param[out] scale Reference to user cl_float variable
348  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
349  */
350 clfftStatus clfftGetPlanScale(const clfftPlanHandle plHandle, clfftDirection dir, 
351         cl_float* scale);
353 /*! @brief Set the scaling factor that should be applied to the FFT data
354  * @details Set the plan property which will be the floating point scaling factor that will be
355  * multiplied across the FFT data.
356  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
357  * @param[in] dir Which direction does the scaling factor apply to
358  * @param[in] scale Reference to user cl_float variable
359  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
360  */
361 clfftStatus clfftSetPlanScale(clfftPlanHandle plHandle, clfftDirection dir, 
362         cl_float scale);
364 /*! @brief Retrieve the number of discrete arrays that this plan can handle concurrently
365  * @details User should pass a reference to an cl_uint variable, which will be set to the
366  * number of discrete arrays (1D or 2D) that will be batched together for this plan
367  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
368  * @param[out] batchSize How many discrete number of FFT's are to be performed
369  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
370  */
371 clfftStatus clfftGetPlanBatchSize(const clfftPlanHandle plHandle, size_t* 
372         batchSize);
374 /*! @brief Set the number of discrete arrays that this plan can handle concurrently
375  * @details Set the plan property which will be set to the number of discrete arrays (1D or 2D)
376  * that will be batched together for this plan
377  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
378  * @param[in] batchSize How many discrete number of FFT's are to be performed
379  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
380  */
381 clfftStatus clfftSetPlanBatchSize(clfftPlanHandle plHandle, size_t batchSize);
383 /*! @brief Retrieve the dimensionality of FFT's to be transformed in the plan
384  * @details Queries a plan object and retrieves the dimensionality that the plan is set for. A 
385  size is returned to
386  * help the client allocate the proper storage to hold the dimensions in a further call to 
387  clfftGetPlanLength
388  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
389  * @param[out] dim The dimensionality of the FFT's to be transformed
390  * @param[out] size Value used to allocate an array to hold the FFT dimensions.
391  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
392  */
393 clfftStatus clfftGetPlanDim(const clfftPlanHandle plHandle, clfftDim* dim, 
394         cl_uint* size);
396 /*! @brief Set the dimensionality of FFT's to be transformed by the plan
397  * @details Set the dimensionality of FFT's to be transformed by the plan
398  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
399  * @param[in] dim The dimensionality of the FFT's to be transformed
400  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
401  */
402 clfftStatus clfftSetPlanDim(clfftPlanHandle plHandle, const clfftDim dim);
404 /*! @brief Retrieve the length of each dimension of the FFT
405  * @details User should pass a reference to a size_t array, which will be set to the
406  * length of each discrete dimension of the FFT
407  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
408  * @param[in] dim The dimension of the length parameters; describes how many elements are in the 
409  array
410  * @param[out] clLengths An array of lengths, of size 'dim'. Each array value describes the 
411  length of each dimension
412  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
413  */
414 clfftStatus clfftGetPlanLength(const clfftPlanHandle plHandle, const clfftDim dim, 
415         size_t* clLengths);
417 /*! @brief Set the length of each dimension of the FFT
418  * @details Set the plan property which will be the length of each discrete dimension of the FFT
419  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
420  * @param[in] dim The dimension of the length parameters; describes how many elements are in the 
421  array
422  * @param[in] clLengths An array of lengths, of size 'dim'. Each value describes the length of 
423  additional dimensions
424  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
425  */
426 clfftStatus clfftSetPlanLength(clfftPlanHandle plHandle, const clfftDim dim, const 
427         size_t* clLengths);
429 /*! @brief Retrieve the distance between consecutive elements for input buffers in a dimension.
430  * @details Depending on how the dimension is set in the plan (for 2D or 3D FFT's), strideY or 
431  strideZ can be safely
432  * ignored
433  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
434  * @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; describes how many elements are in the 
435  array
436  * @param[out] clStrides An array of strides, of size 'dim'.
437  */
438 clfftStatus clfftGetPlanInStride(const clfftPlanHandle plHandle, const clfftDim 
439         dim, size_t* clStrides);
441 /*! @brief Set the distance between consecutive elements for input buffers in a dimension.
442  * @details Set the plan properties which will be the distance between elements in a given 
443  dimension
444  * (units are in terms of clfftPrecision)
445  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
446  * @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; describes how many elements are in the 
447  array
448  * @param[in] clStrides An array of strides, of size 'dim'. Usually strideX=1 so that successive 
449  elements in the first dimension are stored contiguously.
450  * Typically strideY=LenX, strideZ=LenX*LenY such that successive elements in the second and 
451  third dimensions are stored in packed format.
452  * See @ref DistanceStridesandPitches for details.
453  */
454 clfftStatus clfftSetPlanInStride(clfftPlanHandle plHandle, const clfftDim dim, 
455         size_t* clStrides);
457 /*! @brief Retrieve the distance between consecutive elements for output buffers in a 
458   dimension.
459  * @details Depending on how the dimension is set in the plan (for 2D or 3D FFT's), strideY or 
460  strideZ can be safely
461  * ignored
462  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
463  * @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; describes how many elements are in the 
464  array
465  * @param[out] clStrides An array of strides, of size 'dim'.
466  */
467 clfftStatus clfftGetPlanOutStride(const clfftPlanHandle plHandle, const clfftDim 
468         dim, size_t* clStrides);
470 /*! @brief Set the distance between consecutive elements for output buffers in a dimension.
471  * @details Set the plan properties which will be the distance between elements in a given 
472  dimension
473  * (units are in terms of clfftPrecision)
474  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
475  * @param[in] dim The dimension of the stride parameters; describes how many elements are in the 
476  array
477  * @param[in] clStrides An array of strides, of size 'dim'. Usually strideX=1 so that successive 
478  elements in the first dimension are stored contiguously.
479  * Typically strideY=LenX, strideZ=LenX*LenY such that successive elements in the second and 
480  third dimensions are stored in packed format.
481  * @sa clfftSetPlanInStride
482  */
483 clfftStatus clfftSetPlanOutStride(clfftPlanHandle plHandle, const clfftDim dim, 
484         size_t* clStrides);
486 /*! @brief Retrieve the distance between Array objects
487  * @details Pitch is the distance between each discrete array object in an FFT array. This is 
488  only used
489  * for 'array' dimensions in clfftDim; see clfftSetPlanDimension (units are in terms of 
490  clfftPrecision)
491  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
492  * @param[out] iDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects 
493  in memory on input.
494  * For contiguous arrays in memory, iDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ)
495  * @param[out] oDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects 
496  in memory on output.
497  * For contiguous arrays in memory, oDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ)
498  */
499 clfftStatus clfftGetPlanDistance(const clfftPlanHandle plHandle, size_t* iDist, 
500         size_t* oDist);
502 /*! @brief Set the distance between Array objects
503  * @details Pitch is the distance between each discrete array object in an FFT array. This is 
504  only used
505  * for 'array' dimensions in clfftDim; see clfftSetPlanDimension (units are in terms of 
506  clfftPrecision)
507  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
508  * @param[out] iDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects 
509  in memory on input.
510  * For contiguous arrays in memory, iDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ)
511  * @param[out] oDist The distance between the beginning elements of the discrete array objects 
512  in memory on output.
513  * For contiguous arrays in memory, oDist=(strideX*strideY*strideZ)
514  */
515 clfftStatus clfftSetPlanDistance(clfftPlanHandle plHandle, size_t iDist, size_t 
516         oDist);
518 /*! @brief Retrieve the expected layout of the input and output buffers
519  * @details Output buffers can be filled with either hermitian or complex numbers. Complex 
520  numbers can be stored
521  * in various layouts; this informs the FFT engine what layout to produce on output
522  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
523  * @param[out] iLayout Indicates how the input buffers are laid out in memory
524  * @param[out] oLayout Indicates how the output buffers are laid out in memory
525  */
526 clfftStatus clfftGetLayout(const clfftPlanHandle plHandle, clfftLayout* iLayout, 
527         clfftLayout* oLayout);
529 /*! @brief Set the expected layout of the input and output buffers
530  * @details Output buffers can be filled with either hermitian or complex numbers. Complex 
531  numbers can be stored
532  * in various layouts; this informs the FFT engine what layout to produce on output
533  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
534  * @param[in] iLayout Indicates how the input buffers are laid out in memory
535  * @param[in] oLayout Indicates how the output buffers are laid out in memory
536  */
537 clfftStatus clfftSetLayout(clfftPlanHandle plHandle, clfftLayout iLayout, 
538         clfftLayout oLayout);
540 /*! @brief Retrieve whether the input buffers are going to be overwritten with results
541  * @details If the setting is to do an in-place transform, the input buffers are overwritten 
542  with the results of the
543  * transform. If the setting is for out-of-place transforms, the engine knows to look for 
544  separate output buffers
545  * on the Enqueue call.
546  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
547  * @param[out] placeness Tells the FFT engine to clobber the input buffers or to expect output 
548  buffers for results
549  */
550 clfftStatus clfftGetResultLocation(const clfftPlanHandle plHandle, 
551         clfftResultLocation* placeness);
553 /*! @brief Set whether the input buffers are going to be overwritten with results
554  * @details If the setting is to do an in-place transform, the input buffers are overwritten 
555  with the results of the
556  * transform. If the setting is for out-of-place transforms, the engine knows to look for 
557  separate output buffers
558  * on the Enqueue call.
559  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
560  * @param[in] placeness Tells the FFT engine to clobber the input buffers or to expect output 
561  buffers for results
562  */
563 clfftStatus clfftSetResultLocation(clfftPlanHandle plHandle, clfftResultLocation 
564         placeness);
566 /*! @brief Retrieve the final transpose setting of a muti-dimensional FFT
567  * @details A multi-dimensional FFT typically transposes the data several times during 
568  calculation. If the client
569  * does not care about the final transpose to put data back in proper dimension, the final 
570  transpose can be skipped
571  * for possible speed improvements
572  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
573  * @param[out] transposed Parameter specifies whether the final transpose can be skipped
574  */
575 clfftStatus clfftGetPlanTransposeResult(const clfftPlanHandle plHandle, 
576         clfftResultTransposed* transposed);
578 /*! @brief Set the final transpose setting of a muti-dimensional FFT
579  * @details A multi-dimensional FFT typically transposes the data several times during 
580  calculation. If the client
581  * does not care about the final transpose to put data back in proper dimension, the final 
582  transpose can be skipped
583  * for possible speed improvements
584  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
585  * @param[in] transposed Parameter specifies whether the final transpose can be skipped
586  */
587 clfftStatus clfftSetPlanTransposeResult(clfftPlanHandle plHandle, 
588         clfftResultTransposed transposed);
591 /*! @brief Get buffer size (in bytes), which may be needed internally for an intermediate 
592   buffer
593  * @details Very large FFT transforms may need multiple passes, and the operation would need a 
594  temporary buffer to hold
595  * intermediate results. This function is only valid after the plan is baked, otherwise an 
596  invalid operation error
597  * is returned. If buffersize returns as 0, the runtime needs no temporary buffer.
598  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
599  * @param[out] buffersize Size in bytes for intermediate buffer
600  */
601 clfftStatus clfftGetTmpBufSize(const clfftPlanHandle plHandle, size_t* buffersize);
603 /*! @brief Enqueue an FFT transform operation, and return immediately (non-blocking)
604  * @details This transform API is the function that actually computes the FFT transfrom. It is 
605  non-blocking as it
606  * only enqueues the OpenCL kernels for execution. The synchronization step has to be managed by 
607  the user.
608  * @param[in] plHandle Handle to a plan previously created
609  * @param[in] dir Forwards or backwards transform
610  * @param[in] numQueuesAndEvents Number of command queues in commQueues; number of expected 
611  events to be returned in outEvents
612  * @param[in] commQueues An array of cl_command_queues created by the client; the command queues 
613  must be a proper subset of
614  * the devices included in the plan context
615  * @param[in] numWaitEvents Specify the number of elements in the eventWaitList array
616  * @param[in] waitEvents Events that this transform should wait to complete before executing on 
617  the device
618  * @param[out] outEvents The runtime fills this array with events corresponding 1 to 1 with the 
619  input command queues passed
620  * in commQueues. This parameter can be NULL or nullptr, in which case client is not interested 
621  in receiving notifications
622  * when transforms are finished, otherwise if not NULL the client is responsible for allocating 
623  this array, with at least
624  * as many elements as specified in numQueuesAndEvents.
625  * @param[in] inputBuffers An array of cl_mem objects that contain data for processing by the 
626  FFT runtime. If the transform
627  * is in place, the FFT results will overwrite the input buffers
628  * @param[out] outputBuffers An array of cl_mem objects that will store the results of out of 
629  place transforms. If the transform
630  * is in place, this parameter may be NULL or nullptr. It is completely ignored
631  * @param[in] tmpBuffer A cl_mem object that is reserved as a temporary buffer for FFT 
632  processing. If clTmpBuffers is NULL or nullptr,
633  * and the runtime needs temporary storage, an internal temporary buffer will be created on the 
634  fly managed by the runtime.
635  * @return Enum describing error condition; superset of OpenCL error codes
636  */
637 clfftStatus clfftEnqueueTransform(
638         clfftPlanHandle plHandle,
639         clfftDirection dir,
640         cl_uint numQueuesAndEvents,
641         cl_command_queue* commQueues,
642         cl_uint numWaitEvents,
643         const cl_event* waitEvents,
644         cl_event* outEvents,
645         cl_mem* inputBuffers,
646         cl_mem* outputBuffers,
647         cl_mem tmpBuffer
648         );